Saturday, November 8, 2008

What gear do I need to play lacrosse?

Lacrosse Gear Checklist
There are several different types of necessary equipment needed to play lacrosse. Some of the equipment is listed below as follows: Men’s lacrosse gear checklist: Helmet, Stick, gloves, mouthpiece, arm pads, shoulder pads, ball, cup, goal, cleats. When looking to buy quality equipment make sure you compare quality, durability, and costs.
The three most important type of gear needed a helmet, a stick, a gloves. Men’s helmets are made out of titanium, chrome, or aluminum. For some indoor leagues, with five player lacrosse, this is all they require. Equipment wise, men’s lacrosse is comparable to hockey and women’s lacrosse is comparable to field hockey.
Every year the popularity of lacrosse as a sport increases dynamically. One of the oldest sports in North America, many believe that lacrosse was originally played by native Americans. Just has the game has evolved, so has the need to have more protective lacrosse gear.
Women’s lacrosse gear: Goggles, lightweight gloves, sticks, goal, ball, goalie in full pads, cleats.
Men and women require different types of lacrosse gear. Both of them require their own type of stick, gloves and head protection. Women wear goggles and men wear helmets. Women’s lacrosse sticks have shallower pockets and are smaller. Men’s sticks are longer and with deeper pockets. Men’s lacrosse gear has more padding because the rules allow more contact.
Brine, STX, and Warrior are some of the leading manufactures of quality lacrosse gear. They offer you a wide selection of quality products to choose from and several different pieces of vital equipment. The manufacture everything you need for lacrosse sticks to gloves and padding. You can find their products and much more by visiting our site

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